

event Publicación: 2021

The role of transparency in procurement: Revealed versus concealed scoring rules in sealed bid A + B auctions

Autor: Bernardo F. Quiroga, Brent B. Moritz, V. Daniel R. Guide Jr.

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: 2020

Holding company affiliation and bank stability: Evidence from the US banking sector

Autor: Consuelo Silva, Radoslav Raykov

Profesor relacionado: Consuelo Silva


event Publicación: 2020

Components of effort for repeated tasks

Autor: Martin Meißner, Andres Musalem, Joel Huber, Ricardo Montoya

Profesor relacionado: Ricardo Montoya


event Publicación: 2020

 Application of an incentive for bus drivers to achieve an improvement in the quality of service

Autor: Alejandra Chaparro, Patricia Galilea, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Joaquín Poblete

Profesor relacionado: Joaquín Poblete


event Publicación: forthcoming

When and Why Narcissists Exhibit Greater Hindsight Bias and Less Perceived Learning

Autor: Satoris S. Howes , Edgar E. Kausel, Alexander T. Jackson, Jochen Reb

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: forthcoming

Does overconfidence pay off when things go well? CEO overconfidence, firm performance, and the business cycle

Autor: Tomas Reyes, Roberto S. Vassolo, Edgar E. Kausel, Diamela Peña Torres, Stephen Zhang

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: forthcoming

Emotion Regulation, Positive Affect, and Promotive Voice Behavior at Work

Autor: Héctor Madrid

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: forthcoming

Leader Affective Presence and Feedback in Teams

Autor: Héctor Madrid

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: forthcoming

The Efficient IPO Market Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence

Autor: Kevin R. James, Marcela Valenzuela

Profesor relacionado: Marcela Valenzuela


event Publicación: 2021

Can Firms Be Both Broad and Deep? Exploring Interdependencies Between Horizontal and Vertical Firm Scope

Autor: Francisco Brahm, Anne Parmigiani, Jorge Tarziján

Profesor relacionado: Jorge Tarziján


event Publicación: 2001

Capital inflows, equity issuance activity, and corporate investment

Autor: Charles W. Calomiris, Mauricio Larraín, Sergio L. Schmukler

Profesor relacionado: Mauricio Larraín


event Publicación: 2001

Investment performance, regulation and incentives: the case of Chilean pension funds

Autor: Fernando López, Eduardo Walker

Profesor relacionado: Eduardo Walker
