

event Publicación: 2022

Bullying behavior and school bonding for predicting student engagement among Chilean adolescents

Autor: Jorge Varela, Gonzalo Muñoz, Amy Reschly, Roberto Melipillán

Profesor relacionado: Gonzalo Muñoz


event Publicación: forthcoming

Trader Competition in Fragmented Markets: Liquidity Supply versus Picking-off Risk

Autor: Alejandro Bernales, Nicolás Garrido, Satchit Sagade, Marcela Valenzuela, Christian Westheide

Profesor relacionado: Marcela Valenzuela


event Publicación: 2022

Team-based incentives in transportation Firms: An experiment

Autor: Patricia Galilea, Joaquín Poblete, Vicente Ramírez, Hugo Silva

Profesor relacionado: Joaquín Poblete, Hugo Silva


event Publicación: forthcoming

How does court stability affect legal stability?

Autor: Álvaro Bustos, Nuno Garoupa

Profesor relacionado: ÁLVARO BUSTOS


event Publicación: 2023

Preference estimation under bounded rationality: Identification of attribute non-attendance in stated-choice data using a support vector machines approach

Autor: Sebastián Maldonado , Verónica Diaz, Ricardo Montoya

Profesor relacionado: Ricardo Montoya


event Publicación: forthcoming

Personalized Information as a Tool to Improve Pension Savings: Results from a Randomized Control Trial

Autor: Feliz Villatorio, José Tessada, Julio Riutort, Jeanne Lafortune, Olga Fuentes

Profesor relacionado: José Tessada, Jeanne Lafortune


event Publicación: 2022

The effect of ownership structure on investment decisions under exogenous shocks

Autor: Gustavo Lagos, Cristián Ramírez, Jorge Tarziján

Profesor relacionado: Cristían Ramírez, Jorge Tarziján


event Publicación: 2023

The Economics of Supranational Bank Supervision

Autor: Consuelo Silva, Thorsten Beck, Wolf Wagner

Profesor relacionado: Consuelo Silva


event Publicación: 2022

The Role of Inter-Team Relational Coordination in the High-Performance Work Systems–Team Performance Linkage

Autor: Andrés Raineri, Sergio Valenzuela

Profesor relacionado: Andrés Raineri


event Publicación: 2023

Parent Brand Susceptibility to Negative Feedback Effects from Brand Extensions: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Consumer Findings

Autor: Andrés Cuneo, Ronald Goodstein , Sandra Milberg, Mónica Silva

Profesor relacionado: Mónica Silva


event Publicación: 2022

Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior

Autor: Sebastián Araya,, Andrés Elberg, Carlos Noton, Daniel Schwartz

Profesor relacionado: Andrés Elberg


event Publicación: forthcoming

What is the price of freedom? Estimating women’s willingness to pay for job schedule flexibility

Autor: Monserrat Bustelo, Ana María Díaz, Jeanne Lafortune, Claudia Piras, José Tessada

Profesor relacionado: Jeanne Lafortune, José Tessada
