

event Publicación: 2017

Managing Innovation: Optimal Incentive Contracts for Delegated R&D with Double Moral Hazard

Autor: Joaquín Poblete, Daniel Spulbe

Profesor relacionado: Joaquín Poblete

event Publicación: 2017

Assessing Others’ Risk-Taking Behavior from Their Affective States: Experimental Evidence using a Stag-Hunt Game

Autor: Edgar Kausel

Profesor relacionado: Edgar Kausel


event Publicación: 2017

The impact of frictions in routine execution on economies of scope

Autor: Francisco Brahm, Marcos Singer, Jorge Tarziján

Profesor relacionado: Marcos Singer, Jorge Tarziján


event Publicación: 2018

Incentives and Ratcheting in a Multiproduct Firm: A Field Experiment

Autor: Francisco Brahm, Joaquín Poblete

Profesor relacionado: Joaquín Poblete


event Publicación: 2016

Which Creditors’ Rights Drive Financial Deepening and Economic Development?

Autor: Mauricio Larraín, Charles W. Calomiris, José Liberti, Jason Sturgess

Profesor relacionado: Mauricio Larraín

event Publicación: 2015

Global cities and cultural experimentation: cosmopolitan-local connections

Autor: Pilar Rojas, Julie Emontspool

Profesor relacionado:

event Publicación: 2017

Why Papers Are Rejected and How to Get Yours Accepted: Advice on the Construction of Interpretive Consumer Research Articles

Autor: Ahir Gopaldas, Eileen Fischer, Daiane Scaraboto

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: 2017

Holy Mary Goes ’Round: Using Object Circulation to Promote Hybrid Value Regimes in Alternative Economies

Autor: Scaraboto, Daiane, Bernardo Figueiredo

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: 2017

Consumers’ Social Media Brand Behaviors: Uncovering Underlying Motivators and Deriving Meaningful Consumer Segments

Autor: Rodrigo Guesalaga, Radu Dimitriu

Profesor relacionado:


event Publicación: 2018

Competitive intensity and its two-sided effect on the boundaries of firm performance

Autor: Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda, Joao Montez, Michael Ryall

Profesor relacionado: Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda


event Publicación: 2016

The Language of Fairness: How Cross-Linguistic Norms in Spanish and English Influence Reactions to Unfair Treatment

Autor: Edgar Kausel, Sam Birk

Profesor relacionado: Edgar Kausel


event Publicación: 2017

Capital Account Liberalization and Aggregate Productivity: The Role of Firm Capital Allocation

Autor: Mauricio Larraín, Sebastian Stumpner

Profesor relacionado: Mauricio Larraín
